Return of the CUED Bake Sale
… the CUED Bake Sale strikes back.
What: Charity Bake Sale.
Where: Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.
More precisely: South Common Room.
When: Thursday 17th November.
We will once again be holding a charity bake sale in the Department of Engineering on Thursday 17th November. We’ll be selling cakes in the South Common Room from 10:30am. We’re running this event exclusively for Macmillan Cancer Support, so all proceeds of the cake sales will be going directly to Macmillan. It promises to be a lot of fun and will hopefully raise a lot of money for a great cause.
Post Bake Sale Update
Another great success. I arrived at the South Common Room at around 9.30 armed with three loads of chocolate brownies, having made myself paranoid that we wouldn’t have enough cake to last the day. Laura and Louise arrived to help set up. Oliver came along to price things up – we’d learnt from the last bake sale that it is very easy to start off with the prices too low.
As people arrived for their morning coffee we started selling cake. Our supply of Victoria sandwich cake disappeared very quickly, as did some of the coffee and chocolate sponge we had on offer. The Amaretto Stolen cake, vegan chocolate avocado cake and chocolate cheesecake bars also proved popular. As we sold out of one type of cake we would add another cake in its place from the vast supply of cakes that had turned up. It became quite clear that I hadn’t needed to bake quite so many chocolate brownies.
We had decided that we’d try and run the stall all day, and I don’t know whether it was because it was open all day, or whether all the undergraduate students were somewhere else all day, but there wasn’t the mad rush this time that we had experienced back in March. Instead we had a slow trickle of people all day long.
I’d have probably gone mad, or at least flapped about uncontrollably if it wasn’t for all the help I had with the stall. Once again I started by worrying that we might sell out of cake, then I worried about having too much, then I worried about nobody turning up, which led to me putting more posters up around work, and then I stopped worrying, bought myself a load of cake and sat there stuffing my fat face. It was a really good day and we kept selling cake until the departments free tea stopped at around 4.30.
We still had some cake left over the next morning – mostly my chocolate brownies – so I opened the stall for another hour in the morning and sold the rest of the cake. In the end we had raised a whopping £685.58 for Macmillan Cancer Support.
I am almost certain to forget someone when listing names (in which case both please forgive me and please let me know!), but here are the people who are really responsible for the day being a success, massive thanks to you all:
André, Anna, Caryn, Diane, Edmund, Eleanor, Emma E, Emma S, Julia, Jenny, Karolina, Kate K, Kirsten, Klara, Laura, Louise, Madeline, Mehves, Niamh, Oliver, Patrick, Paul T, Rachel, Sarah, Sharon, Sonia, Una, Vicki,
And also big thanks to everyone who came and bought cake or donated. It is very much appreciated!