About Unicef

Unicef is the world’s leading organisation for children. They work with families, local communities, partners and government in more than 190 countries to help every child realise their full potential. In everything they do, the most disadvantaged children and the countries in greatest need have priority.

Unicef UK raises donations for Unicef’s emergency and development work around the world and advocates for lasting change for children worldwide. This includes working to change government policies and practices that restrict child rights in the UK and internationally.

They are a UK registered charity, supported entirely by voluntary donations. They do not receive any money from the UN.

How your donation helps

The donations you raise could provide medicine, food, water, education and protection to help make a lasting difference to the lives of children around the world.

  • 12p = a vaccination to protect one child from polio.
  • £10 = exercise books, pens, pencils, textbooks and other school things to support the education of a child for a whole year.
  • £19.25 = mosquito nets to protect 7 families from deadly malaria.
  • £142 = a school-in-a-box containing school equipment for 40 children to continue with their education during an emergency or natural disaster.
  • £331 = water pump to provide clean, safe water to a school or a whole village or community.
  • £1,225 = a temporary school or health centre for children who have survived a natural disaster, war or displacement to have a safe space to learn and play or receive medical care.

You can read more about where your donation goes on their website.

You can donate to Unicef by visiting the StupidWay JustGiving page