StupidWay is really proud to know some most excellent people. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of people who have shown us some extra-special support over the course of the project.

Special Thanks to…

  • Paul Richards – For performing at the Lounge Show, Stupid Gig, Make or Break Mixtape and generally being a great help
  • Sarah AJ – For years of support, and for prodding me into getting this up and running again.
  • Matt Corrall – for designing the excellent logo you see at the top of this page.
    ( blog: | twitter: @CorrallMatt | portfolio: )
  • Jorjia Johnson – for taking photos and generally helping out.
  • Laura Reed – Chief organiser of bake sales.
  • Anna, Caryn, Cassie, David C, Diane, Eleanor, Elena, Emma E, Emma S, Geraldine, Jan, Jo, Joan, Karolina, Kate G, Kate K, Kerry M, Kirsten, Klara, Madeline, Mehves, Niamh, Oliver, Patrick, Patrick G, Paul T, Petra, Rachel, Roberta, Sally, Sonia, Stephen S, Vicki, Vika, and everyone at CUED – For organising, helping out and buying cakes at the bake sale.
  • Claudia and the Braidy Bunch, Ian Jeffs, Enemies of Promise, Stephen Matthew, Paul Richards, Sarah Ashcroft-Jones and everyone at the Cornerhouse – for putting on a great night and raising lots of money at our stupid gig.
  • Alex Hepplewhite, Steve Smith, Hilary Richardson, Shayan Ali, Sarah Ashcroft-Jones and everyone else who either ran with me or supported me on my first ultramarathon.
  • Stuart B. – for taking me caving and not abandoning me down a cave.
  • Lindsay Hamilton, Evan Hunter and Sarah Ashcroft-Jones – For attempting to teach me to cycle and for looking after me when I fell off.
  • AndrĂ©, Anna, Caryn, Diane, Edmund, Eleanor, Emma E, Emma S, Julia, Jenny, Karolina, Kate K, Kirsten, Klara, Laura, Louise, Madeline, Mehves, Niamh, Oliver, Patrick, Paul T, Rachel, Sharon, Sonia, Una, Vicki, and everyone at CUED – For organising, helping out and buying cakes at the second bake sale.
  • Alex, Alexandra, Anna, Duncan, Farakh, George, Jessica, John, Kaylyn, Kerry, Leland, Pascal, Peter, Sarah, Shayan and all at CUKBS for their support and for making this wonderful calendar actually happen.


And of course a big Thank You to everyone who has donated! Y’all are awesome.