Phill’s Weekly Update – Week Mumble – Absent Without Leave
So this is possibly not going to be a short update, mostly because I’ve been so woefully inadequate at updating this site over the last month. I would love to be able to say it’s because I’ve been awesome at raising lots of money for charity over the last month, but I haven’t, so I can’t.
So what’s been happening in my life? Well after a successful March consisting of charity bake sales, marathons, adding extra distance to my 1000 km challenge, fundraising gigs and downright being awesome, I guess I needed a little bit of time to re-energise. Of course, I didn’t exactly get that.
My personal life has consisted of a big strategy review at work, trying to fix my gammy knee, a work colleague dying of cancer, my mum moving house and a family health scare. So nothing which should have stopped me as much as I have been stopped, but enough minor things to suck away all my energy and motivation. This week I’ve also had a cold. I hate it when real life takes over from doing fun things.
On the fundraising front, things are still moving forward. This is mostly because other people are awesome. Paul Richards’ Make or Break Mixtape Show is coming up in a couple of weeks; we just need confirmation of the venue. Cambridge University Kickboxing Society are finalising an academic calendar and they will be donating money from the sales of that to StupidWay. My editor has been duly nagging me that I haven’t got her a second draft of my book to her yet. Rob Toulson needs me to get all the names of bands contributing to a charity album to him. So yeah, plenty of awesome projects coming up, with support from some pretty awesome people. I’ve just not been one of those awesome people.
My book is a priority, unfortunately I’m making slower progress than George R.R. Martin. Everything else has taken a back seat to my 50-miler. That terrifies me. I have to run 50 miles, with 10,000ft of elevation change, in under 16 hours. The winning time last year was eight hours. I am going to be running for at least eight hours. I will be doing it with a still sore knee. I’ve been doing a fair amount of strength training recently, so I’m pretty sure my knee will hold out, but that’s taken away from my ability to do really long runs. I am minorly concerned about whether or not I can do the miles. To help turn my life into a series of unfortunate events, a stupid cold this week has interfered with my planned “really long test run.” Bugger.
Time seems to have slipped by recently, and I apologise for the tardiness of my updates, but I am still trying to raise money for charity, and the fundraising pages are still up. I’m back, motivated and getting my arse in gear to get everything moving forward once again, so if you have a moment and some spare change, please check out my JustGiving page.