Make or Break Mixtape Show – 18-05-16

Paul Richards presents: The Make or Break Mix Tape

Supidway is presenting Paul Richards presenting The Make or Break Mix Tape

What: A musical comedy show
Where: The Red Bull, Newnham (Cambridge)
When: Wednesday 18th May.
More precisely: 20.00 start.

So what’s it all about then? Well, Paul Richards has met a girl! And he’s going to make her the best compilation ever! The only problem is…there’s a lot of ‘greatest songs ever written.’ Join Paul, double bassist supremo Edd Evans-Morley and guitarist Rob Taylor as they embark on a live musical adventure to create THE perfect mix tape.

You can see a sneak preview of it here.


Unfortunately we didn’t sell out, but we did have a great night. Paul Richards performed one of his solo Edinburgh Fringe shows as a warm up act before launching into the fantastic Make or Break Mixtape. The show contains a music quiz, and the teams were neatly divided with Sarah on one team and everyone else in the audience on the other; Sarah narrowly lost. One of the audience members joined in the performance to sing Price Tag, and all in all I think everyone who came along had a great evening.

Thank you to everyone who turned up and donated. If you didn’t make it, we hope to see you at the next StupidWay event :).

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