Phill’s Weekly Wrap – Weeks 9 and 10 – Awesome Week and Procrastination

Sorry for the tardy update. I fully intended to write these up as separate weeks, but somehow time keeps on slipping by while I’ve been busy doing other things. Week nine turned into awesome week, whereas week ten mostly consisted of me procrastinating.

Week nine was more than a little bit hectic. The early part of the week was consumed with work and the CUED Bake sale, which at times approached possible disaster but ended up being my most successful endeavour yet. We raised a grand total of £729 for Macmillan Cancer Support, which seems like a fantastic amount to raise from selling cake. You can read all about the bake sale here.

Thursday evening I went to see the fantastic Ian Jeffs playing a set down at Relevant Records. He’s agreed to play a StupidWay gig on the 23rd of March, which should be a fantastic night.

Saturday was the Cambridge University vs Oxford University Kickboxing Varsity match. This left me stuck in a corner of a ring all afternoon shouting at the students I’ve been coaching all year one last time. It was a fantastic event and Cambridge University won 5-4, which makes me feel like all the coaching and shouting at them over the last 8 weeks was all worthwhile.

Sunday was marathon day. I got up early, my housemate gave me a lift to the start, because apparently jogging to the start was a stupid idea, and then I started running. Marathons take a long time; I spent most of it just chatting away to a friend of mine who was running at a nice pace. After about 19 miles, I left her behind and chatted to another runner for a while before picking up the pace for the last few miles. I crossed the line after 3:48:35 with a sprint finish and cramp in my right calf. You can read a more extensive update on the marathon here.

Monday I went on another 10 km jog to add even more distance to my 1000 km challenge. This was a really slow run given it was the day after my marathon, but I enjoyed it anyway. Still, I now have even more respect for Eddie Izzard and his crazy back-to-back marathon running.

Tuesday saw me wandering down to The Snug to listen to Claudia and The Braidy Bunch play, they’re also playing this StupdWay Gig at the Cornerhouse on the 23rd of March. They’re probably the most uplifting band in Cambridge, so we’re going to be having a very silly and bouncy gig.

Saturday came around quickly and I embarked on a somewhat unplanned attempt to eat 10,000 calories in under twenty-four hours. Between me and a friend we scoffed 16,476 calories in one day, mostly made up of doughnuts and pizza. You can read about this attempt here.

Sunday I went on another jog to keep adding distance to my 1000 km challenge. It seems that I am always running but never steaming ahead of the distance I need to be at. Wobbling along for another 10 km was rather uncomfortable towards the end of the run. My knee also hurts; still, I can’t give up now.

And that’s it, two weeks in a quick update. I’m sure I’ve spent time faffing around with other things for example sending out thank you e-mails, tidying up after bake sales and recovering after running. All in all though, I’m pleased with how the last two weeks have gone. Now I’ve got to start getting my ass in gear for the next two weeks!

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